Saturday 17 October 2009


Heyy guys,

There has been another change in the servers!
Now Cedar is back!
Sorry guys I can't get any pics for some odd reason :(
But I can tell you that there is now 2 lines!
I would think they have 5 servers now for the big launch!


Wednesday 14 October 2009


Hi all,

Just wanted to invite you all to Entershikari's part that he will be having soon as he has had 500 hits!

The party will be awesome and I will anounce the date when I know it, as me and Cheesynibble will know it first!

The date is unknown yet but me and Cheesynibble know that it WILL be on a weekend!
If you want to visit his site the address is


Tuesday 13 October 2009

Old Pandas,Is this Sunleaf an imposter?

Well I hade an evenful day on pandanda firstly I saw the imposter Sunleaf,Sunleaf just kept on saying Happy Beta Testing!And the sunleaf in the preivew of pandanda has no capitals letters so this panda is an IMPOSTER!Anyway I have lots of old pandas as my friends so here is pictures of there playercards and a picture of imposter Sunleaf

Hi peeps

Hi all,

Just wanted to say that I am really happy that I am part of this blog and that I can work with Cheesynibble, he is such an awesome person and I know that myself!

Also If you want to meet me OR Cheesynibble on Pandanda just comment this post and we would be glad to meet all of you!


Monday 12 October 2009

Shock Annoucement

Yo Pandas
Happybo has joined the blog!I know Happybo in real life and he is one cool person,he will be happy to answer any questions and stuff so if you see him on Pandanda please say Hi but that is the shock news,plus BFG please can you advertise this on pandaspace :D
Cya,CheesyNibble! One other thing I also have two more accounts called Television and SuperCheese so if you see them add them lol

Sunday 11 October 2009


Please help advertise this blog!I would really like this to be a popular blog,so:Happybo and BFG you could be a major help here:D anyway feel free to comment on anything and stuff,one other thing I am not an elite member.This blog is not on google so remember this url so you can advertise :D

Yo People

Yo People,a few of you may know me as CheesyNibble the panda or some people may know me as the brother of EnterShikari but please comment on posts and follow this blog,I know this is a little sad but I would like to give out a shout to the following pandas,

Rift,The BFG,Rocky,Alto Bhai,Lime12012,Ninja,


Monferno,Elite2,Jknet,Jbson,Spreck and Happybo1.